
Corporate Partnerships

Through our Corporate Partnerships, we aim to build bridges between those who have nothing and those who have everything. Together, we can create a support network of individuals and organizations willing to push boundaries in pursuit of a common goal – changing lives, one at a time or many at once!

If you want to make a positive contribution to the world and are driven towards reaching targets that not many people believe are possible, then this is the place where you will do so! It’s time to build bridges between those who have nothing and those who have everything. Together, we can create a support network of individuals who are willing to push the boundaries in pursuit of a common goal – changing someone’s life or even many lives!

To get involved with True Cadence, you can: 

  • Sponsor team-building activities and/or external learning journeys
  • Sponsor part of or an entire programme
  • Assist True Cadence with core funding
  • Provide pro bono support
  • Commission our workshops for your service users
  • Commission our young people
  • Commission us to deliver your company team-building and ‘away days’
  • Recommend our services to other organizations
  • Collaborate with us through corporate partnerships to make a significant impact in the community.

Why Partner with Us?

We understand that corporate partners will have their own specific goals and outcomes to meet. Our collaboration will be mutually beneficial by tailoring the partnership offer with pre-agreed goals and metrics. We are confident that partnering with True Cadence will add credibility to your organisation’s overall corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

  • Positive brand association: Engaging with True Cadence enables your organisation to prove its commitment to diversity, inclusion and empowering disadvantaged communities.
  • Partnership Acknowledgments: Partner branding will appear on online and printed promotional material; this includes our website and social media. We will proudly promote the partnership across our networks.
  • Staff Engagement: Corporate volunteers have told us that directly mentoring disadvantaged young people has taken them out of their comfort zone and helped them consider their personal development. Examples include thinking more creatively around shared values, leadership, decision-making and negotiation.
  • Innovative service solutions: The skills that employees learn through volunteering with True Cadence can be directly transferred into your business, providing creative, forward-thinking solutions. By introducing our core values and sharing our experiences, employees are empowered to consider their own privilege and how they can create a more respectful, diverse, and inclusive workplace, resulting in attaining higher levels of customer and employee satisfaction.



All donations directly impact our organisation and help us further our mission to unearth the hidden talents of young people in our under-resourced communities through music education. Thank you for supporting True Cadence CIC

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Donation Total: £10.00 One Time